In April, my friends at Vitality Films in Grand Junction, CO, set out on a mission to do as many sports as possible in one day within the 20-mile radius of ...
Just a quick post; had a fantastic time visiting the Coast Gravity Park in Sechelt, British Columbia this past weekend. Video and Picture are from a portion of the ...
The warmth of spring is slipping through the weather patterns more and more each week . The trails are starting to dry out and the beckoning call from your mountain ...
With great success comes great responsibility and no where does that come into play more than the recently announced GoPro of the World contest series. Different facets ...
I lived in Colorado for 4 years before the winters of Utah drew me away permanently. I had the best summer of my life and the worst winter of my life in Crested ...
It was eight years ago when I first tasted Maui’s red earth on two wheels. It has been a fairly pivotal memory in terms of my riding experiences. Quite a lot has ...
I originally created this story for the app Steller Stories, but wanted to share it here on Spread Stoke too! This is a visual journey of the trails I rode this summer ...
The air is becoming crisper and the wind is transitioning from welcomed relief to the bringer of chills and goose bumps. Winter is upon us and if I have learned one ...
This is a been a year of ‘firsts’ for me. This Summer I took up mountain biking, originally to humor my boyfriend and his passion for adrenaline, but as the ...
Tram laps in the Summer? Dreams do come true! Snowbird Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon dropped a stoke bomb on mountain bike fiends this week announcing the grand ...
When I first came to Brule, Alberta, I was profoundly excited at all the mountain biking potential it so quietly held. I imagined there was a world of trails waiting, ...
Whether you’re shuttling up or making the climb, the Pinecone Ridge trail atop Park City Mountain Resort is simply a shit-eating-grin-of-good-time kind of trail. ...
Deer Valley lifts opened last Friday for lift accessed mountain biking ( AKA downhill cruising)! I went out with some buddies to do some filming which resulted in lift ...
After his death-defying tumble over a 30 ft. cliff at Red Bull Rampage last October, Dustin Schaad spent the next two months in Tahoe mending a dislocated ankle and a ...
Dustin Schaad’s super gnarly crash at last year’s Redbull Rampage made most of the bike world cringe. Well, Dustin healed up and went back to the desert to ...
This weekend reminded me of how truly amazing life is and just how fulfilling it is to spread stoke to those around you. There is simply nothing more warming to the ...