Crested Butte, Colorado Mountain Bike Trip
I lived in Colorado for 4 years before the winters of Utah drew me away permanently. I had the best summer of my life and the worst winter of my life in Crested Butte. I am a Utah powder snob after all. But seriously, Crested Butte in summer is one of the most amazing places to ride a mountain bike and I try to go back when I can. I have mountain biked some incredible places, but for me nothing compares to the Butte!
Upper Upper Loop and Snodgrass
Lush singletrack, yes please!
Sometimes the ride to the ride isn’t all that bad.
Don’t be fooled, the buff is always followed by some technical. That is one of the reasons I love the trails here!
Just a typical view while riding.
Did I mention Crested Butte is world famous for its wildflowers?
Trail 401
Trail 401 is probably the most popular trail in the Butte. After a long slog up to Schofield Pass and then another mile or two up some steep singletrack at treeline you are blessed with one of the most scenic descents around in the world, for real, in the world. High alpine riding with wildflowers and some real technical sections thrown in make this ride unforgettable. It is a must do classic for anyone who rides!
Can you see the singletrack going across that mountain?
Don’t crash enjoying the views through wildflowers!
The climb up was scenic but lung busting at this elevation!
My wife enjoys the down more than the up, don’t blame her!
Mt Crested Butte
Monarch Crest Trail/Silver Creek/Rainbow
This is an absolute must classic up there with the Whole Enchilada in Moab. This is high alpine riding at its finest. You get dropped off at the top of Monarch pass, riding over 35 miles with most of it singletrack and downhill. This is not an easy ride though, there is some lung busting climbing at close to 12,000ft and some wicked long descents that will push even the best. The Silver Creek section is a personal favorite piece of trail I have ever done. It is all downhill and every type of riding mixed in, plus it just keeps giving, it is unreal! Be ready to be self sufficient though since you are deep in the backcountry and it is a long day in the saddle. No bike mechanicals wanted out here. Sorry I don’t have more pictures of Silver Creek my mind and body were to preoccupied with flowing down the trail. Rainbow section is up and down but super flowy and ends with a steep and rowdy downhill. This is an epic ride on so many levels.
Just riding some singletrack above treeline.
Yes I am stoked to be here and away from my windowless office!
My wife probably has more fun than me.
Doctor’s Park
Another Classic. Really long climb up but super scenic. I think it is like 12 miles of climbing for 7.5 miles of descending. But truth is that descent might rank as one of the best pieces of singleltrack around. Once again no real pictures of the rowdy downhills, kinda preoccupied from not crashing.
River crossing at the top of the dirt road climb crossing to the doubletrack climb. I am tenderfooted so I thew some flip flops in my pack. Not a bad idea since a lot of rides in the Butte have real river crossings.
You are looking at a small portion of the doubletrack climb after the river. Be ready to go up at the Butte to go down.
After the ride hang a hammock next to the river and forget all about your cell phone and tv!
Reno/Flag/Bear/Deadmans Loop
I think this is the most XC loop in the Butte. Probably the only ride you may come across people on hardtail 29rs people seem to love so much in Utah. Most of the trails in the Butte warrant a full suspension rig, preferably a true trail bike with 5 plus inches of travel. But you do a lot of climbing out here and you need something that can go up as well as go down some real terrain. This trail has some super flow and is super scenic like all the trails. 3 climbs up with 3 downs. The last downhill is technical and rooty. Real mountainbiking!
Did I mention how flowy this trail can be?
Miles of flow, yes please!!
Town Trails
After riding almost 200 miles in a week it was time to head out. Ended the trip with the trails right out of town. Not bad views from town!
Singletrack in flowers with a view never gets old.
Kebler Pass
If your drive home can take you over Kebler Pass I highly recommend it. Some of the best camping and aspens forests.
Can you hike the 401? Or any parts from this post?