Not Listening: Pursuing A Dream
I’m sure you.. YES you, have done this.
There comes a time when you don’t listen to other people when they tell you not to do something.* Though, the best adventures and experiences seem to occur only when taking risks and challenging yourself to do something you never thought attainable. Of course things will be scary, but that’s the risk you have to be willing to take. Whether the end outcome is positive or negative, that depends… but either way you’re learning a lot more about yourself along the journey. This is where my story begins.
I grew up following freeskiing. Attending the first ever Winter Dew Tour in Killington, VT sparked my hunger for photography and skiing. By the time college came around, even after getting into school in SLC, UT I was told that “it’s too far away”. Well yes, this is a true fact, but I can’t imagine all of the experiences during that time I would have never been able to do had I listened to that one person. I was told I shouldn’t go to Japan last season, but to me that was my biggest accomplishment and progression of skiing images so far. Today, I am still being told to not pursue my goals of becoming a published action sports photographer/videographer.
Do you think I’ll listen to that?

Skier: David Wise Photo: Dani DeSalvio
Here’s to the mistakes to be made, lessons to be learned, and the hustle to be had. Cheers & stay stoked – dani
*Though it is probably a good idea to listen to your friends in the backcountry.
Thanks for sharing Dani. You’ve got a great eye for photography!