I’m sure you.. YES you, have done this. There comes a time when you don’t listen to other people when they tell you not to do something.* Though, the best ...
I had my first paragliding experience last fall and it was hands down one of the most amazing things I’ve ever done. Ever since, I’ve been dreaming of ...
I don’t know when I am going to die. I intend to make the most of my limited time by doing the things I love. It is my life goal to have as much damn fun as I can ...
It’s so true —- the more things change, the more they stay the same. We were stoked in 1976. We might not have used that word; we were happy, blissful, ...
After spending the last two years of my life in auto-drive (wake-up, brush teeth, drive 45 minutes to work, bust out spreadsheets, drive home, eat dinner, earn decent ...