Endless Bluebird Days at Snowbird
No joke, I think we’ve had almost 2 straight weeks of pure sunshine, cloudless skies, and lots of spring skiing conditions. Considering our low snow pack this year, we’re looking pretty damn good compared to most resorts West of Utah, so I’ve got no complaints. Putting the severe yearning for soft snow aside, the weather is truly beautiful and the last few days have been a blast. I’m slightly behind my 100 day goal for the season (hit day #30 yesterday), but confident that with lots of spring skiing, I’ll get there.
Yesterday Kevin, Matt, Tori and I cruised to Snowbird to meet up with some friends and spread some stoke in the lower gad parking lot. Before the party started, we warmed up with some groomer/bump skiing in Mineral Basin and then made our way to Baldy to check out what Kev calls “The Gauntlet”. I was planning to take it easy as I had tweaked my knee (possible sprained MCL?) the day before makin’ tele turns at PCMR, but shit happens and I didn’t want to be left out!
The Gauntlet’s official name is Center of Gravity which is located near the Alta/Bird border and is a steepish couloir with shade protected snow. The last time I was in this area was a few years ago with much more snow, so getting into the couloir this year was a tad more difficult, but with enough poking around, we made it in. Safe to say, most of Baldy is sun-baked crust at this point, and certainly not the easiest to ski. But with good friends and sunshine-galore, it’s definitely worth the hike. The views from Baldy are insanely gorgeous on a clear day, displaying a perfect view of the SLC valley and the lower Little Cottonwood canyon.
After we worked our way down The Gauntlet (jump turning on a bum knee was probably not the best idea), we then met up with the rest of our crew and did a few mineral and gad laps prior to getting the Sunday parking lot party started. The day was a perfect combo of good friends, good turns, and lots of beer!
I’ll be taking a few days off to rest the knee and am hoping/wishing/praying/dancing that we get some more snow this week. Keep those digits crossed!!! And in the meantime, enjoy all this super fabulous sunshine and go get out there and ride!
1-3 feet by Friday!!
Hope so!!! We def. need some coverage after all this warm weather.