Sunday Funday #1: Droppin’ Stoke on Snowbird
When we started a few months ago, we wanted to create more than just a website. We wanted to bring together our community of fellow athletes and share the experience and feeling of being stoked-out…all day, every day! Starting Spread Stoke has been an amazing experience so far and we’ve had so many awesome posts, videos, and photographs shared. We wanted to share that love back to our contributors, fellow stoke-birds, and our community by throwing down a Sunday Funday party at Snowbird.
Yesterday, we teamed up with our super amazing friends at Soul Poles, heated up some grills, and threw a Sunday Funday party at the lower Gad parking lot. Needless to say, lots of hot dogs, PBRs, and laughs were had. Soul Poles brought their tricked out van and some of their newest pole lines to check out, while House of Marley & Goal Zero provided the jams so we could party both in style and off the grid.
The afternoon was a hit and we met a ton of new people. Thanks to all our friends who helped us set-up, breakdown, and get the word out. Also, a massive shout-out to our friends at Soul Poles. Soul Poles is doing a 6 month mobile tour right now while traveling through 36 cities in 12 states. Visit to find out more about their earth friendly poles and where their next stop will be. #plantyoursoul
We will be looking to do many more of these events throughout the rest of the year and will be announcing our next event on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram … so follow us and come join us at our next party. Cheers!
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