It was a late spring day, not a single Jerry in the way. We went to Stevens Pass, with Kevin Curran who’s full of sass. Scott Skis on the feet, looking mighty neat.
In February of 2014, Sasha Yakovleff decided to mix things up and leave the comforts of his New Hampshire hometown to make a cross-country move for a job opportunity in ...
Here is my 2014/2015 season snowboard edit from this past year. I am 16 years old. It was filmed by Jacob Levine, Jack Wiley, and Peter Day. This edit was filmed at ...
“Always leave yourself an out” is a saying I grew up with. I used to think it was just a lesson my Dad passed down to me while I was under his wings, learning poker. ...
The first experience I had being new in town was three and a half years ago when I moved to New Orleans for school. After an hour in the soupy humidity, I immediately ...
My season edit for the 2013-14 snowboard season. 15 years old. Filmed at Park City, Brighton, Mammoth, Sun Valley, and Mt. Hood. Song: Evil Love- Uncle Acid & The ...
Troy Tully and I got up early one epic fall morning and decided to used his drone to film the sunrise over Park City’s Guardman’s Pass. The leaves were on ...
This is a been a year of ‘firsts’ for me. This Summer I took up mountain biking, originally to humor my boyfriend and his passion for adrenaline, but as the ...
10/4/14 – I answered the call. No, literally. The phone rang and the voice on the other end said “Crest lap?” So I took a break from housework to get ...
Check out these 3 incredible moose sitting peacefully next to Spiro trail on Park City Mountain Resort. No more than 5 yards away. Bull, cow, and baby. Stayed and ...
As I was driving through the desert last night headed back to Reno, (having just left the best place on earth -Park City,Ut) I was occupying my time with remembering ...
Tram laps in the Summer? Dreams do come true! Snowbird Resort in Little Cottonwood Canyon dropped a stoke bomb on mountain bike fiends this week announcing the grand ...
There are days that I find myself craving the winding, rolling, hairpin traverses of the single track. I am a runner, but I am not the type of runner who trains on a ...
Whether you’re shuttling up or making the climb, the Pinecone Ridge trail atop Park City Mountain Resort is simply a shit-eating-grin-of-good-time kind of trail. ...
There’s not a lot out there that is more American than apple pie, BBQs, fireworks, capitalism, death penalty, etc, but skateboarding is definitely high on that ...
I had one of the funnest seasons of my life this year. I had plenty of time to get my feet wet in the Wasatch and ride the bird. I also had a killer trip back home to ...
I have found in my experience that the feeling of ‘stoked’ comes in a range and degree of exhilarating excitement. There is being stoked about your untracked blower ...