Dreaming of Faceshots

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As I sit here on my couch, with an ice pack, pain killers and something like fractured ribs, I reminisce on pow days past. Luckily for me, and unfortunately for everyone else and the mountains themselves, this has been a warm spring-like week in weather. But with snow to come and a few more weeks before I should be skiing, I’m dreading being stuck to my giant leather settee. So, to Facebook I go. Looking back, it’s been quiet a season so far to say the least. Some days this year have been deeper than many I can recall from the past two seasons. I’m happy to say at least I’ve slay’d waist deep pow more than once this year with many more days to come, regardless of minor injury related setbacks (as I’m sure many of you can relate). So if you feel so inclined to bring me cookies or drink beers and wax skis, let me know, I’ll be here catching up on Homeland and looking at pictures of myself skiing.

(All photo credit due accordingly: Bekah Stevens, Joe Johnson, Weston Shirey, Matt Baydala)

3 thoughts on “Dreaming of Faceshots

  1. Kevin Smith says:

    Sick early season pics! Time on the couch can have hidden benefits, like allowing you to appreciate the times you have on the mountain even more, once you’re back out there.

  2. Tori Sowul says:

    Those photos are INSANE! *frothing* You should try acupuncture!

  3. I hear ya on being laid up from injury, I blew out my knee the week before Nationals competition a few years ago!! Heal up quickly :) I’ve gotten some great pow in this season in Utah! Tahoe though (where I am visiting now) is dry!

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